Monday, February 21, 2011

Green Cabage and Bacion recipe

Sorry for the posting hiatus , with the move to the new place there has not been much free time.

Make this simple poor people’s dish as the perfect accompaniment to your protein.

Here is our very easy cabbage recipe that serves 4 – 6 hungry folks:

  • 2 large heads of white/green cabbage, washed. sliced and quartered
  • 1 very large onion, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tsp caraway seeds
  • 2 strong pinches of sea salt
  • fresh ground black pepper to taste
  • 6 strip s of bacon

Fry up 6 strips of bacon until golden crispy, then add onions and caraway seed, salt and pepper. When onions and spices are glossy, add cabbage and cook for 15 to 20 minutes until semi-firm, but glossy – serve and totally enjoy this amazing side dish.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Funday

Hope you guys enjoy your sunday off. Remember,
stretching adds to more power and mobility.
Take sometime to stretch like Granny here. Or if possible, rollout on a lax ball or foam roller.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Assessment of Goals

Hey guys and girls,
So I been having alot of you guys hit some personal records this passed week. On top of posting your meals today, please look back at your goals and see if you obtained any of them yet. If not, maybe you can reassess them... maybe you might be doing better than you thought or maybe your doing worse? If so why? Is it your diet? Is it your training? You decide and let me know....

Friday, February 11, 2011


Hey guys and girls,
So, for those of you who may feel like your workouts may be plateauing and/or lacking energy, you might find this supplement helpful.
Dextrose is 100% on the glycemic index. It is sugar broken down into its simplest form (monosacharide).
Post Workout:
Depending on how hard your workout was can vary on the ratio of dextrose to protein you would use. You can range from a 1:2 or 1:1 ratio of dextrose to protein. It's really dependent on YOU and your workout.
Pre or during:
Dextrose can also be used before or during your workout. For instance, if your waking up first thing in the morning and have little to no energy, it may benefit you to throw a small scoop of dextrose and a little protein into a water bottle and work from there. The immediate sugars into your body can provide you with the energy to get through your workout.
By no means is this scientifically broken down. In fact, you can google the "facts" yourself, and you will see arguments ranging from people swearing to use up to a 2:1 ratio of dextrose to protein, to arguments of people not beleiving in any supplementation whatsoever. If it works for YOU, then go with it! Tamper around and see what works. Which brings me to my next point; POST YOUR RESULTS!! If your tracking your exercise and logging what you eat, you can see what type of diet works for your body the best. DOO ITT!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Soul purpose of shake weight

Be sure to keep a tight torso and keep that weight in your heels people!
Todays WOD 10 min max reps of shake weight HA!
Hmm.. look functional to you??

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Having a Paleo Snack Attack?

Try some "Sweet Potato Spears"
You can either grab some sweet potato spears from Trader or slice a few sweet potatos into thin strips; If you'd like to zest them up a little bit give this recipe a whirlRecipe (2-3 bags of sweet potato spears):

1 tbsp of chili powder

1 tbsp of cinnamon

1/2 tbsp of paprika

1 tsp of cayenne

Some black pepper and a touch of sea salt

1/4 - 1/2 cup of olive oil

Throw all the spices into a bowl, add the olive oil and whirl it up. Then toss the potato spears into the bowl. When the spears have a nice glaze place them on a cooking sheet. Bake approx 25-30 minutes depending on how thick the wedges are. Be sure to flip half way through.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Say No to Fruit

I see from those of you that post e consuming a few servings of fruit a day. This is a big no no if weight loss is your main goal.

Humans do not need fruit six days a week, and they certainly don't need it year round.

If your ancestors were from europe, for example, how much fruit did they eat in the winter 500 years ago? Think they had florida oranges in december? NOt a chance. But you're still here, so the lineage has survived.

The only exceptions to the no fruit rule are tomatoes and avocadoes, and the latter should be eaten in moderation. Otherwise just say no to fruit and its principle sugar, fructose, which is converted to glycerol phosphate more efficiently than almost all other carbohydrates. glycerol Phosphate > triglycerides (via the liver) > fat storage. Avoid fruit at all costs unless it is right after a tough workout or on a cheat day.